VPL Adult Program Feedback

To continually improve our adult programs, we are interested in knowing your thoughts. We welcome your answers to the following questions.

This survey will take between 2 and 5 minutes.

What program did you attend?
Where was the program? (At the Central Library, online, or at a branch? Which branch?)
How did you find out about this program?
VPL email newsletter
Poster or flyer
Someone told me about it
Social media
Saw it on the library website
Which best describes your experience at this program?
I felt very welcomed and comfortable
I felt somewhat welcomed and comfortable
I did not feel welcomed or comfortable
Do you feel connected to other people as a result of attending this program?
Yes, very connected
Yes, somewhat connected
No, I do not feel more connected as a result of this program
How much did you learn at this program?
I learned quite a lot
I learned a little
I did not learn anything new
Did this program inspire you to take an action or to try something new?

Did you learn something new about the library's services as a result of attending this program?

Did this program meet your expectations? Please explain.
Yes, this program met my expectations
This program partially met my expectations
No, this program did not meet my expectations